Total attendees = 6, including Eseme from Maine! With a Halloween theme, dolls showed up in costume and with appropriate props. Click to enlarge.
my dolls:
L to R: The Little Witch, an Asmus toys head on a customized Obitsu24
body, Carnelian, a Coo Model x Huixiang Witch, and Anna, a customized
Medicom Jolyne Cujoh. |
Lyrajean's dolls:
L to R, back: Volks Date, Smartdoll Starlight, Volks Tony, Volks DWC head #1, Volks Jun [in cat mask], Volks Chiyo, Volks DD06 head. L to R, front: Volks Yo SD Kira, Volks Yo SD Yuh. |
According to Lyra, this is a "bourbon seance." I got nothin'... |
vermont chick's dolls:
L to R: Iplehouse BID Ringo x2, Withdoll Simba, Withdoll Lainey, Alchemic Lab Unoa Sist, Dollmore Judith. |
The Weird Sisters [Unoa and Judith] have lured the kids [Ringos] into their house with the promise of sweets. Tragically, they will soon be turned into fuzzy pets [Simba]. |
Bittersweet Blue's dolls:
Back row, L to R: Mystic Kids Jean, Fairyland Minifee Rens and Minifee Chloe.
Front row, L to R: Dream of Doll Petsha, Just Play Hairdorables. |
Eseme's dolls:
L to R: American Girl Wellie Wisher, Target My Generation, ???, lots of Mattel Barbie Made to Moves and 1:6 scale action figures. |
American Girl picnic/breakfast fudz. |
Jill's dolls:
L to R: Mattel Barbie head on action figure body, Takara Cy Girl. |
Future meetups: 11/9 [Thanksgiving/autumn] 1-4 PM, 12/21 [Xmas/Hanukkah/winter] 1-4 PM.
I had so much fun, it was great to talk dolls for a few hours, and see everyone's lovely collections. So many great clothes and props!