Total attendees = 4, including The Fey Lady, a newcomer! Dolls made friends and played with corn. Click on any photo to enlarge.
The gang's all here! Everyone's dolls assemble for a group shot. Back
row, from left to right: Bittersweet Blue's Dream of Doll Petsha [blue
dress, seated], Bittersweet Blue's Fairyland Minifee Chloe [pink
sweater], Bittersweet Blue's Souldoll Mirebyeol [blond, striped top],
Araminthe, my B&G Dolls Burrysa snarling [pink yarn hair], Thalia,
my IOS Infernale head on Angelsdoll massive girl body [skullface makeup,
holding pumpkin], Lyrajean's Volks Tohya, Lyrajean's Volks Chiyo,
Lyrajean's Volks Date, The Fey Lady's Dollzone Brant, Lyrajean's Volks
SD Grafitti Jun Tachibana, Lyrajean's Alchemic Lab Unoa Sist [checked
coat], Lyrajean's Alchemic Lab Unoa Lusis [corset]. Front row, from left
to right: Bittersweet Blue's Hujoo Berry [gold dress, seated],
Bittersweet Blue's Obitsu 15cm Brownie [riding trike], Bittersweet
Blue's Hujoo Nano Freya [in basket], Lyrajean's Customhouse Petite Ais
Uriel and Sariel [standing and on sled], Lyrajean's Volks Yo-SD Kira [in
wagon], Lyrajean's various Lalaloopsies. |

Volks Yo-SD Kira wishes that her Lalaloopsies were as good as either
CH Sariel's or Uriel's [I've given up trying to tell them apart -- so
has their owner =P ]. |
Volks Date takes his puppetry very, very seriously, even if it is Hello Kitty. |
From left to right: Fairyland Littlefee Chloe goes nyaaa. Souldoll
Mirebyeol is too cool for school. Thalia [IOS Infernale head on
Angelsdoll massive girl body] tests her hypothesis that the sunflower is
louder than her shirt. Araminthe [B&G Dolls Burrysa snarling]
remains unamused. |
Dream of Doll Petsha on far left despairs of ever having enough coffee to wake herself up. |
At right, Dollzone Brant, currently The Fey Lady's only BJD, rejoices to
have found some friends. Thalia, my IOS Infernale head on Angelsdoll
massive girl body, looks on. |
"Hey, I'm taller than you are." |
"Whoops. I probably shouldn't have touched the head of a vampire in
skullface makeup with skulls all over her shirt without at least asking
her first." |
"And for that insolence, I forbid you from touching the decorative mini corn!" |
The guardians of fall appear to be singularly unenthusiastic about
their status as autumnal symbols. Not even Dunkin Donuts can improve
their spirits. |
Then again, Araminthe always looks like that... |
Future meetup: 12/17 [note THIRD Saturday]. Theme is Christmas/year-end/holiday FEAST!
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