Total attendees = 4. Me, Lyrajean, Bittersweet Blue, and vermont chick met for silly posing shenanigans. Photos below, on which you can click to enlarge.
vermont chick has
photos on her blog too.
My dolls:
Jujube, Elfdoll 14cm Winky, scoots along with a teddy bear, one of a trio I got from Lyrajean. |
Jeff, Elfdoll 14cm Kai, eats ice cream that's much larger than her head. |
I also got some pieces of a 1:3 scale teaset from Lyrajean, so what better to do with them than stick Dorothy, Elfdoll 14cm Dodo, and some other teddies in weird spots? |
Bittersweet Blue's dolls:
11cm Obitsu is determined to ride a trike. Don't tell her she can't reach the pedals. |
Hearing about the advent of a taxi service, a teddy and Jeff hop in the basket. |
Hujoo Nano Freya wants 11cm Obitsu to go faster! |
Hujoo Berry has amazingly deep blue eyes -- acrylic, proving that one doesn't need to pay top dollar for striking doll eyes. |
Souldoll Miribyeol attempts to comfort Hujoo Nano Freya, who is having none of it. |
Dream of Doll Petsha demonstrates that her sword-holding hand also works well for a pen... |
...But I think she believes the sword to be mightier than the pen. |
vermont chick's dolls:
Souldoll Vito Freya [no relation to the Hujoo cat] looks amazing, but, according to vermont chick, poses badly [i.e., not at all]. |
Still, I like her nose. |
Withdoll Egon and Dollmore Roo on Judith body show off outfits sewn by their owner. |
Withdoll Lamb Laney can't pose well either, but vermont chick forgives her on account of cuteness. ^_^ |
Lyrajean's dolls:
The big Volkses get sloshed. Left to right: Volks Date, Volks Tony, Volks Hijakata [so drunk he needs the wall for support], Volks Chiyo, and Volks SD Grafitti Jun Tachibana, apparently staring at something fascinating on the ceiling... |
"Okay sis...that's enough." |
Looks good in blond. |
The smaller dolls did not get drunk. Back row, from left to right: Customhouse Sariel, Lalaloopsy, Customhouse Uriel, Volks Yo-SD Kira. Front row: the pissy cat family [Spiritdoll Bastet x2 and some Sylvanian Family kittens]. |
Dad cat babysits the little rascals by putting the worst of 'em in the wine glass so they can't do much damage. Let's hope Mom cat doesn't find out about that... |
Future meetups: 10/8 [Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!], 11/12.
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