Total attendees = 6. Regulars Lyrajean, Melface, and Nerdy Victorian came to this Saturday's meetup, along with two newcomers, astraldoll7 [all the way from New York!] and Bittersweet Blue [all the way from southern Vermont!], each of whom had trekked over 2 hours to meet fellow doll lovers. Of course I was there too, with my usual complement of Valentine's props.
Though I billed the meet as one with a Valentine's theme, we all paid much more attention to the swap/sale/get rid of it event going on concurrently. We spread wares across two tables: clothing and wigs that Lyrajean and I wanted to offload, furniture from Nerdy Victorian, and dolls and doll parts from Melface, astraldoll7, and Bittersweet Blue. While no large ticket items [i.e., dolls] exchanged hands, attendees did trade, sell, and/or give away smaller items. I -- and everyone else -- seemed to really enjoy seeing what others had to get rid of, especially as some items had never shown up at meets before. Thus the redistribution of doll stuff was a success, and VTDL will definitely do it again. Maybe every six months?
I tried to take pictures of everyone's dolls, but astraldoll7's and Bittersweet Blue's dolls, all of which were new to me, demanded much of my attention. Furthermore, the cloudy weather and fluorescent light combined to degrade pretty much every picture I
did take. Thus, I apologize in advance for not presenting a comprehensive pictorial record of the meetup. Hopefully astraldoll7 and Bittersweet Blue will return on a day with better light...
Click on any photo below the cut to enlarge it.
Melface has some photos
online too.
Note: Lyrajean brought several dolls that I did not photo: Volks Chiyo, Volks Hijakata Toshizo, Volks Yo-SD Kira, Xagadoll Sylvia, Customhouse Petite Ais Sariel and Uriel [we can't tell them apart anymore :p ], Bimong Meronica, and Iplehouse EID Bichun.
My dolls:
Not shown: Sardonix [Cerberus Project 2006 Lishe head on modded ShinyDoll Thaasa body]
Okay, none of the pictures of Sardonix came out [waaah!], but I did get a few decent shots of Timonium, my Soom Faery Legend Auber. Last seen with a grey faux fur wig, he now has a Saran wig made of Vampire Kisses [=color name] hair from, adhered to a fabric wig cap with hot glue. The making thereof was a singularly tedious and unrewarding enterprise, and I am never doing it again. |
The only way he can stand on his pointy feets is if he balances on something, like this chair that Nerdy Victorian brought to sell/swap/get rid of. |
astraldoll7's dolls:
All the 1:4 scale Alchemic Lab Unoa BJDs gathered for a group shot. Standing in the back row from left to right are astraldoll7's B-el, astraldoll7's Elder Ange Decadent, Melface's L-bi. Seated in the front row from left to right are Lyrajean's Sist, Lyrajean's Lusis, and Melface's L-Bi. |
astraldoll7's Cerberus Project Vampire Dark Elf Soo. One of the earliest sleepy-eyed, open-mouthed vampires, and therefore of special interest to me. ^_^ |
astraldoll7's Cerberus Project Dark Elf Soo, wearing a wig that I traded a dress for to astraldoll7. |
Bittersweet Blue's dolls:
From left to right, Souldoll Miribyeol, Dream of Doll Petsha, and Fairyland Puki Puki Sugar. |
Miribyeol rocks a partly shaven pink fur wig with heart that matches her shirt. |
Nobilitydoll Ryoma was for sale. The sculpt reminds me of a young David Bowie, especially the nose, chin, and cheekbones. |
He was particularly disgruntled that I opened up his shirt to see the famous Nobilitydoll squishy nipples. ["Press papilla good feel!"] Collective VTDL reaction to this unique feature: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH why?!" |
Dollzone Christmas babies. If I were in the market for a BJD newborn, which I'm not, I would go for one of these, as they capture the large heads, squinty eyes, and pudgy proportions perfectly. |
These are incredibly tiny, maybe 3" long? I have seen them used as newborns for 1:3 scale BJD characters, but they're definitely closer to 1:4 scale. |
Shannon's doll:
Shannon herself was not there, but Melface brought her [Shannon's] Doll Chateau Bella, who has a recent faceup by Shannon. |
Melface's dolls:
Not shown: Dollpamm Bebe Poyo, Dream High Studio Hiro, Dollzone bunny [sculpt name uncertain], Fairyland MiniFee Rin.
Mattel Monster High Twyla Cirque du Freak. |
Repainted Mattel Monster High Abby Bominable. |
Alchemic Lab Unoa L-bi has a new custom backpack with working straps, pockets, and buckles. |
Fairyland RealFee Mari faceplate needs the rest of a head and a body... |
Nerdy Victorian's dolls:
Not shown: Dollzone Luke, Dollzone Yan2.
From left to right, Spiritdoll Stayne and Maskcat Ronia formed the mopingest Victorian wedding party ever, while Volks Kira tried to ignore it all. Stayne's fabulous top hat is a Halloween hair clip. Ronia's lovely layered attire is also from Maskcat. |
We had so many fur wigs that we didn't want that we were all trying to fob them off on people. Lyrajean thought that Stayne should try one of her handmade faux fur wigs with kitty ears. He didn't appreciate the thought. Then again, he never appreciates anything. :p |
Future meetups: 3/12, 4/9.
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