Total attendees = 4. The first meetup of the new year kicked off with me, Lyrajean, Nerdy Victorian, and vermont chick attending. Some of us spent about an hour discussing
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [Kylo Ren and BB-8 mostly], although we did manage to take pictures of some dolls.
vermont chick has
photos on her blog too.
Click on photos to enlarge.
My dolls:
Submit, an Elfdoll Hana Angel head on Hujoo wings body, apparently thinks one of my latest prop acquisitions is a surfboard. |
Thalia, an IOS Infernale head on Angelsdoll massive girl body, gets along well with Submit, despite the large difference in size. |
Lyrajean's dolls:
Custom House Petite Ais Uriel and Sariel. Even their owner can't tell them apart. :p |
Bimong Meronica looks to me like she's been crying. |
Volks Date Masamune is so sad that he has no weapon for his sword hands to hold -- so very sad. |
Volks Dollfie World Cup #1 has a funky dress with owls on it. Orange stockings and pink shoes not shown. |
Nerdy Victorian's dolls:
17" Mattel Monster High Elissabat is not impressed with Spiritdoll Stayne's angst levels. |
He takes it up a notch. She's still not buying it. |
Volks SD Kira is in the market for a new body. |
Maskcat Ronia looks pretty cute in the two-piece outfit previously worn by Araminthe. |
vermont chick's dolls:
Raccoon Doll Sarah is looking sullen today, possibly because she no longer wears the bloomers that match her dress. |
Raccoon Doll Gene is very accessorized. |
Raccoon Doll Mika really doesn't want her picture taken. |
Raccoon Doll Lucy is formidable. |
Tonner resin version of Ellowynne Wilde. |
Tonner plastic version of Ellowynne Wilde. |
Fairyland Feeple 60 Lacrima bears a resemblance to Scarlett Johansson. |
Today, however, she dresses up as Elsa from Frozen. vermont chick made the outfit. |
Our next meetup, February 13th, features a Valentine's theme, so stock up on the hearts and chocolate! We're also having a swap/sale, so bring any of the following you want to get rid of: eyes, wigs, clothes, jewelry, accessories, heads, hands, feet, optional parts, miscellaneous resin bits, props, furniture, backdrops, etc. All scales, all sizes.
Future meetups: 2/13, 3/12, 4/9.
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