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Vermont Doll Lovers December meetup, 12/12/2015

Total attendees = 6. We always have loads of fun at the last VTDL meetup of the year. The sheer volume of Christmas-related props ensures lots of silly play and funny photo ops. Click on any photo to enlarge.
My dolls:

Submit, an Elfdoll Hana Angel head on Hujoo Wings body, plays with some gachapon figures I bought from Lyrajean.

At left, Araminthe, a B&G Dolls Burrysa snarling, complains about her poinsettia crown, which is actually a decoration meant to encircle the base of a candelabrum. Both Araminthe and Sardonix [right], a Cerberus Project Juri 2006 head on modded ShinyDoll Thaasa body, wear scarves that, along with Sardonix' hat, were originally intended to decorate wine bottles.

Araminthe holds Honorine, an Elfdoll Olivia.

Honorine perches on the top of my Halloween Christmas tree, which has added candy canes for the season.

From left, Touralyn, a scratch-built BJD by DragonGems, Honorine, and Submit show off more seasonal props I brought. The fireplace behind them is strung with lights from a blinking necklace.

DragonGems' doll:
At left, DragonGems' scratch-built Russell, dressed in a seasonal sweater made from a sock, plays dolls with Submit.

Melface's and Shannon's dolls:
Melface's Alchemic Lab Unoa L-bi models a sweater taken from a Christmas tree ornament. [All dolls in this section belong to Melface, except for Doll Chateau Bella, who is Shannon's.]

Fairyland Minifee Rin competes with L-bi for who has the most obnoxious sweater.

Dollzone Raphael may be dressed up as a reindeer -- we're not sure.

Doll Chateau Charles features delicate custom tattoo work and extra joints in neck, wrists, and ankles, just to make posing that more difficult.

Dream High Studio Hiro hangs out at the foot of Melface and Shannon's Christmas/Hanukkah tree, wearing a hat that's a candle holder accessory [?] from Yankee Candle.

Dollpamm Bebe Poyo hides in the Christmas/Hanukkah tree.

Souldoll Cubarem envies Doll Chateau Bella's very loud sweater.
 Lyrajean's dolls [not shown: Spiritdoll Bastet x2 and Customhouse Petite Ai Sariel]:
From left, Volks Chiyo, Alchemic Lab Unoa Lusis, and Alchemic Lab Unoa Sist stay away from all the Christmas cheer.

Narindolls Meronica looks to me like she's been crying, maybe because Lyrajean has no one else with her head size. :p

Volks Yo-SD Kira is plotting something...

Cerberus Project Chiwoo vampire, defanged by Lyrajean, is not having a particularly happy holiday.

vermont chick's dolls:
From left, Fairyland Minifees Lishe, Shushu, and Mirwen sing carols.

Soom Quartz sits in a sleigh which is not really visible in any of these photos.

Fairyland Feeple 60 Siean takes a ride with Quartz.

From top, Fairyland Littlefees Soso, Juri 2013, and Ante Elf provide sparkly snowflake magic! Soso: "Whee! I have magic!!"

Juri: "My leotard itches."

Ante Elf: "Wait...what am I supposed to do with this wand thingie?"
