Total attendees = 4. There was a spring/Easter theme, and I forgot all my spring/Easter stuff. D: I did, however, bring some 1:4 and 1:3 scale food and toiletries, featured below.
my dolls:
L to R: Araminthe, B&G Dolls Burrysa snarling, Fritillaria, Withdoll Ariana with cracked head. |
"I don't think this shampoo is going to do anything for me, even if it does match my hair." |
"This tea is definitely not going to help my hair." |
"Yeah, sure, it's very pink, but what am I supposed to be shaving with this?" |
"No more pink products! Leave me alone with my wine and my whine." |
"I, Fritillaria, your friendly neighborhood broken & eyeless doll, endorse this tinned meat product!" |
"I don't think I need shampoo." |
"I don't think I need conditioner either." |
Lyrajean's dolls:
On couch: Xagadoll Sylvia, Spiritdoll Bastet x2, Hujoo Freya, Hujoo Nano
Freya, NPK Collection x3, Volks Dollfie Dream ?, Volks SDGr Jun,
Smartdoll Starlight. |
NPK Collection dolls fit into American Girl doll clothes, though their torsos are slimmer. |
New Dollfie Dream. |
Nano Freya shops for organ meats. Really large organ meats. |
Spam: the modesty luncheon meat! |
Dollfie Dream looks great in any color wig! |
Bittersweet Blue's dolls:
Back row, L to R: MH Casta Fierce, 17" Frankie, Dream of Doll Petsha.
Middle row, L to R: MH Posea Reef, Fairyland Minifee Rens, Doll Family A
Anasta head on Luts Kid Delf body, Obitsu Nano Haruka head on Obitsu 24
body, Fairyland Minifee Chloe.
Front row: MH Scarah Screams, Slo
Moe, Kiyomi Haunterly, Lagoona Blue, Frankie Stein, Ellie Dee,
Draculaura x2, Gilda Goldstag, Cleo de Nile, Viperine Gorgon. |
The queen of cool, now with sassy pink tiara. |
Bittersweet Blue finally did the faceup on this one. |
Quick and easy dress with raw-edged fabric and handkerchief hem, made by Bittersweet Blue. |
Designers clearly had fun with this doll. Her power button is on her forehead, and her ears are speakers. |
vermont chick's dolls:
Back row, L to R: Luts Model Delf Lapis and LazuliLazuli, Iplehouse FID
Grace and Claude. Front row, L to R: Eileendoll Rot, Ashes, Shy, Lapis. |
This dragon matches its candy egg. |
So does this one. |
These want to get the other eggs from the basket, but their arms are too short. |
Outfits made by vermont chick, as usual. Impressive stuff, particularly the flowered gown. |
Future meetups: 5/18 1-4 PM, 6/15 1-4 PM.
Wow, everyone's dolls look wonderful! I love all the clothing details, and am amused that the Dragons match their chocolate.