Total attendees = 6. The Comiku Girls came up from the southern sector of the state for the first time, so we got to see a whole bunch of new dolls. vermont chick's
photos are on her blog.
my dolls:
L to R: Donna, an American Character doll, Yamarrah, an Iplehouse Addiction Doria head on a Domuya Perennial body, Mattel articulated Curvy fashionista [in shamrock sweater], Mattel unarticulated Curvy Fashionista [in yellow dress], Araminthe, a B&G Dolls Burrysa snarling. |
The articulated Curvy got into Bittersweet Blue's St. Patrick's Day props with disastrous results. |
Lyrajean's dolls:
L to R: Iplehouse Asa, Iplehouse Bichun [standing], Iplehouse Bibiane [sitting]. |
L to R: Volks Yo-SD Kira, Hujoo Nano Freya, Volks Yo Tenshi Yu, Volks DWC 01 on Volks SDGR body. |
SmartDoll Starlight. |
Bittersweet Blue's dolls:
Souldoll Mirybeol. |
Fairyland Minfee Chloe with a hangover. |
Obitsu 14cm Brownie on the best St. Patrick's Day accessory ever. |
vermont chick's dolls:
L to R: Dollmore Zaoll Luv, Raccoon Doll David, Iplehouse FID Raffine, |
L to R: Fairyland RealPuki Soso, Fairyland RealPuki Kaka, Fairyland RealPuki Pupu. |
L to R: Fairyland Pukifee Rin: Fairyland RealPuki Papilio [orange hat], Fairyland RealPuki Soso. |
Akiko's dolls and Li Izumi's dolls:
Dikadoll Rena. |
L to R: Dikadoll Rena, Angell Studio Gabriel. |
L to R: Fairyland Littlefee Lisa, Fairyland RealFee Toki. |
Soom Faery Legend Idrial with Faery Legend Haidi hands, legs, and wings. |
Fairyland Littlefee Lisa. |
Olleaf Cinderella Mouse Chichi on Soom Teeny Gem body. |
Angell Studio Mini Gus. |
Angelheim Luka with hooves modded into claws. |
Cerberus Project Luwen. |
Cerberus Project Juri 2005 with Fairyland Pukipuki Pukisha Basiliah Amir in lap. |
Soom Little Gem Grey. |
Migidoll Miho on IOS 65cm body witth Doll Family Pupu panda on head. |
Future meetups: 4/14 1-4 PM, 5/12 1-4 PM.
It was nice to be able to come up!