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Chittenden County Doll Club: 08/11/12

Total attendees = 4. Lyrajean, vermont chick, goldi and I gathered for the Chittenden County Doll Club this afternoon. It was very exciting to have 4 people! :p

Lyrajean's photos can be found on the DOA meetup thread.

vermont chick has photos on her blog as well.

Here's a shot of everyone we brought with us, Lura's talons and mecha arm excluded.

L to R: Nathaniel [my Volks Emma], August [my BuddyDoll April], goldi's Fairyland MiniFee Chloe in front of her, goldi's DollZone Ulli [sheep, goat, whatever], goldi's Fairyland LittleFee [?] Rolly, Mellifer [my Soom Faery Legend Metato] behind them, vermont chick's Iplehouse EID Soo, vermont chick's Iplehouse SID Lahela, vermont chick's JID Bianca, Lyrajean's Volks Masha, Lyrajean's Volks F26 girl, Lyrajean's Volks YoSD Kira in her lap.
